
for Investor Relations

Engage your investors, monitor your peers and stay ahead of the market

Hero Image!Seriously!

Everything you need to know

Empower your investors

Keep your investors informed about your company's performance and future plans. Let them ask anything publicly available with ease. All while saving you time

And learn their concerns

Understand your investors' concerns and questions. Get insights into what they are looking for


Everything you need to know

Ask anything you want to know

Switching to new Sustainbility reporting framework? Want to double-check market abuse rules? Just ask

Modern Features

AI-powered chatbot

Provide instant answers to investor inquiries with our intelligent, continuously learning AI chatbot.

Data-driven insights

Uncover actionable trends and sentiment within your investor relations data for informed decision-making.

IR Automation

Streamline repetitive investor relations tasks to maximize your team's efficiency.

Effortless Reporting

Create and share reports with your investors in just a few clicks.

Secure and Compliant

Finna adheres to the highest security and compliance standards to protect your sensitive investor data.

Targeted Outreach

Craft personalized messaging campaigns based on investor profiles and insights, tailoring your communications for maximum impact.

How It Works

Get started using Finna in just a few simple steps.

1. Onboard Your KnowledgeFree Icons

Upload all your existing investor reports, press releases, and relevant documents to Finna's secure knowledge base.

2. Power Up with AIFree Icons

Let Finna's AI engine analyze your knowledge base and communication style to generate personalized, accurate responses 24/7.

3. Use internally and externallyFree Icons

Connect Finna to your email system for automated responses or share a specific copilot with your investors, you choose.

AI Tools For Your Investor Relations

Finna provides the tools and data to optimize your IR strategy, freeing up your team to focus on building meaningful shareholder relationships. Schedule a demo today to see how Finna can transform your investor relations

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Contact us here via chat👋