

The most intelligent investor relations platform on the market.

Powerful Copilots

Use custom built AI copilots to get the data you need, whether it's a rulebook, information on your company, or your competitors.

Feature 1

Use cases for copilots

Monitor investor sentiment and engagement

Analyze competitor performance and strategies

Prepare for a new report release with AI Q&A coach

Generate detailed financial reports

Automate routine investor communications

Facilitate investor meetings and presentations

Feature 2

Uncover Analytics

Gain deeper insights into your company's IR and your investors sentiments.

Follow-up questions

Get the answers you need with our follow-up questions feature, which allows you to ask questions about the data you receive.

Feature 3
Feature 4

Collboartive workflows

Save your sessions, share it with your colleagues or even your investors. Keep track of your progress and never lose a conversation.

Modern Features

AI-powered chatbot

Provide instant answers to investor inquiries with our intelligent, continuously learning AI chatbot.

Data-driven insights

Uncover actionable trends and sentiment within your investor relations data for informed decision-making.

IR Automation

Streamline repetitive investor relations tasks to maximize your team's efficiency.

Effortless Reporting

Create and share reports with your investors in just a few clicks.

Secure and Compliant

Finna adheres to the highest security and compliance standards to protect your sensitive investor data.

Targeted Outreach

Craft personalized messaging campaigns based on investor profiles and insights, tailoring your communications for maximum impact.

AI Tools For Your Investor Relations

Finna provides the tools and data to optimize your IR strategy, freeing up your team to focus on building meaningful shareholder relationships. Schedule a demo today to see how Finna can transform your investor relations